Data Resources

This regularly updated catalog is compiled from a survey sent to roughly 100 individuals across the state of California, asking them what data resources they turn to when they need publicly available data about California.  

The listing was originally created for communities participating in the California Accountable Communities for Health Initiative.


  • ACEs Aware

    Interactive maps providing county-level data on the percent of Medi-Cal members who have been screened for ACEs, the number of individuals trained to conduct ACEs screenings, and other ACEs-related data.

  • California Breathing | California Department of Public Health

    Asthma data broken out by county and age.

  • AAPI Data

    Demographic, economic, housing-related, and other data are available for counties across the U.S. The aim is to provide details on how Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander community members are faring.

  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

    This survey collects data about health-related risk behaviors, chronic health conditions, and use of preventative services. The 500 cities project, which is sponsored by the CDC and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, provided from 2016-2019 Census tract-level estimates derived from BRFSS for 500 cities, including about 120 cities in California. More recently, the CDC and RWJF have expanded the 500 cities estimates to be available for nearly all Census tracts and zip codes in the United States through the Places initiative.

  • California Department of Public Health

    The California Vital Data (Cal-ViDa) Query Tool allows users to create custom reports of California’s birth and death data.

  • FCC

    Search for a county in the U.S. to obtain data on that county’s broadband access rate, along with comparisons to a number of health measures.


  • California Forward

    The California Dream Index tracks progress toward a more equitable California by measuring ten indicators of economic mobility, security and inclusion. Data can be analyzed by race and ethnicity, region, and county.

  • California Health & Human Services Agency

    More than 500 health/human services-related datasets from the state of California, on demographics, diseases, the environment, facilities and services, health care, workforce, and other topics.

  • State of California

    The open data portal for the state of California, linking to datasets across state departments and agencies.

  • California CDPH and Berkeley’s Public Health School

    Data are available down to the Census tract level in California, noting indicators focused on community strengths and opportunities for improvement. Funding for this initiative comes from CDPH’s Injury and Violence Prevention Branch.

  • California Cancer Registry

    Data about both cancer incidents and mortality are available at a county level, and broken down by type of cancer, sex, and race/ethnicity. In addition, UCSF provides sub-county level data for 12 common cancers in California through their California Health Maps site; breakdowns also are available by sex and race/ethnicity.

  • University of Missouri Center for Applied Research and Engagement Systems

    A mapping platform that offers thousands of data layers, as well as a report builder for those who need to prepare community health needs assessments.

  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

    In addition to the BRFSS data noted above, this data catalog provides access to other publicly available data from the CDC. Among the CDC’s offerings, the CDC Wonder data query tool is one frequently used resource.

  • US Census Bureau

    A compilation of data from a variety of US Census surveys, including the American Community Survey.

  • Pitch Interactive and the Census 2020 Data Co-op

    Data by county and Census tract showing the racial/ethnic composition of a given location, along with population changes from 2010 to 2020.

  • Center for American Progress

    Detailed data for locations across the US showing the supply of child care in a given neighborhood.

  • UC-Berkeley and California Department of Social Services

    A wealth of data covering child abuse, foster care, and other child welfare topics are available by county. Another source for child maltreatment data – this one from the advocacy organization, Safe & Sound, provides details on the societal costs, by county in California, for child maltreatment

  • Children Now

    An interactive tool that provides county-level data on 30 measures related to child well-being.

  • UCLA

    The California Health Interview Survey provides data on health topics for all counties in California, based on interviews with roughly 20,000 Californians. Data from the survey are available through AskCHIS More localized (e.g. zip code-level) estimates can be found at

  • WestEd and The California Department of Education

    CHKS provides school district-level data to help improve academic performance, as well as the social, emotional, behavioral, and physical health of California students. In addition to CHKS (a survey of students), this website, called CalSchls, offers access to surveys of school staff and parents.

  • New York University and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

    Economic, health, and environmental data by city and Census tract are available for the 500 largest cities in the country, including roughly 120 cities in California.

  • U.S. Global Change Research Program

    Data mapped through this tool shows Census tract and county data indicating how local exposure to five common climate-related hazards is projected to change through this century.

  • The CalState University System

    Data on college access, enrollment, graduation, and labor market outcomes. The LaunchBoard, a statewide data system support by the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office, also provides data on progress, success, employment, and earnings outcomes for California community college students

  • California Department of Public Health

    Over 15 years of condition-specific mortality burden data, using a range of measures, are displayed at the county, community, and Census tract levels through interactive rankings, charts, maps, and trend visualizations.

  • Institute for People, Place, and Possibility
    Access to wide-ranging, community-level data and mapping tools for locations across the U.S.

  • California Department of Social Services

    These dashboards, which provide county-level data in California, are intended for planning purposes, and include indicators on risk and preventative factors, such as socioeconomic status, substance use, violence, and service access.

  • University of Wisconsin and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

    Data and rankings for all counties in the US on health-specific measures, as well as on indicators that influence health.

  • California Office of the Attorney General

    Crime data, by local jurisdiction, for locations across California.


  • U.S. Government

    The open data portal for the U.S. government, linking to nearly 300,000 datasets across federal agencies.

  • Deloitte, Datawheel

    Demographic, health, housing, and other data are available for locations — including counties and cities — across the US. Users also can compare two locations across multiple measures.

  • Brandeis University

    Hundreds of measures of child well being, broken down by county and metropolitan area. Data also are available for roughly a dozen large cities and school districts in California. One key tool offered through this website is the Child Opportunity Index, which measures and maps at a neighborhood level the quality of resources and conditions that matter for children’s healthy development.

  • EdSource and the California Department of Education

    Timely and comprehensive data about K-12 education in California. Data are available at the county, district, and school level.

  • California Department of Education

    Data on test results, enrollment, physical fitness scores, absenteeism, and other topics are available by school, district, or county.

  • CalEPA

    CalEnviroScreen identifies California communities by census tract that are disproportionately burdened by, and vulnerable to, multiple sources of pollution.

  • Tracking California

    A wide array of data at the convergence of public health and the environment, including measures of air quality, birth defects, climate change, lead poisoning, and traffic volume.

  • CalEPA

    Data are available for environmentally regulated sites across California, including those with hazardous materials and waste, state and federal cleanups, impacted ground and surface waters, and toxic materials.

  • FEMA

    County-level data for all counties in the country showing susceptibility to adverse impacts of natural hazards. Social vulnerability is the susceptibility of social groups to the adverse impacts of natural hazards, including disproportionate death, injury, loss, or disruption of livelihood. Other maps also are available, including a risk index, expected annual loss, and community resilience,

  • Urban Institute

    Financial well-being by zip code is measured through debt, savings, assets, and wealth.

  • Feeding America

    County-level data about food insecurity rates, meal costs, and nutrition program eligibility.


  • UCSF

    The UCSF Health Atlas provides detailed maps on a range of domains associated with health, including health care, neighborhoods, community, socioeconomics, and demographics. Users can drill down to view data by Census tract.

  • California Health Care Foundation

    A series of publications offering objective information on health care costs, coverage, quality, and delivery. The Almanac provides regularly updated data and analysis on California’s health care system.

  • Integrated Health Care Association, the California Health Care Foundation, and the California Health and Human Services Agency

    Multi-payer data by geographic region—including commercial insurance, Medicare, and Medi-Cal—on more than 30 standardized measures of health care quality, cost, patient cost sharing, and utilization. The aim is to help purchasers, health plans, and policymakers focus performance improvement initiatives.

  • California Department of Health Care Access and Information

    Nearly 6,000 health care facilities across the state submit data to HCAI, and HCAI publishes these and more data, broken out by topics ranging from cost transparency to utilization to facility attributes to workforce

  • U.S. News & World Report

    County-level rankings that integrate data related to education, economic performance, housing, equity, public safety, infrastructure and other topics.

  • The Advancement Project

    Highly customizable maps with wide-ranging data focused on health and equity in California.

  • Public Health Alliance of Southern California

    Explore Census tract-level factors that predict life expectancy. The Healthy Places Index provides scores and detailed data on specific areas that shape health, including housing, transportation, and education. The website also offers a policy guide with practical solutions for improving community conditions and health.

  • California Homeless Youth Project at the California Research Bureau

    Dashboards and detailed data tables are available summarizing key measures of youth homelessness. Data are available for all CoCs that manage homeless services across the state.


    Wide-ranging data about the quality of California’s hospitals. Data are available for each hospital on patient experience, healthcare-acquired infections, patient safety, ED care, and other topics.

  • IHME

    PDF data reports are available for counties across the country, and include data on life expectancy, mortality rates (by condition), and disease prevalence.

  • Vera

    Incaceration-related trends, by county in the U.S., are available for prison and jails, and broken down by race/ethnicity and gender.

  • California Department of Public Health

    A comprehensive source of California injury data that includes all types of injuries that result in death, hospitalizations, or emergency department visits.



  • PolicyMap

    A mapping tool that provides data on hundreds of measures for locations across the US. Access to some data and website features requires a paid subscription.

  • The Advancement Project

    A tracking tool of racial disparities in California at the county and city level. Data are available in seven issues areas: democracy, economic opportunity, crime and justice, access to health care, healthy built environment, education, and housing.

  • UC-Davis Center for Regional Change

    An index of community and regional opportunity that can be used to help understand social and economic opportunity in California’s communities.

  • California Department of Education

    School-level data about how public schools are meeting the needs of students in California.

  • Opportunity Insights

    Using privacy-protected data on 21 billion friendships from Facebook, this tool maps three types of social capital (cohesiveness, economic connectedness, and civic engagement) in each neighborhood, high school, and college in the United States.

  • Public Policy Institute of California

    This searchable database provides polling results from PPIC surveys dating back to 1998.

  • First 5 Association and USC’s Children’s Data Network

    By leveraging information collected at birth for every baby born in California, this resource provides Census tract-level data on assets that promote resilience in children.

  • California Highway Patrol

    A database of collision data. These data also are available from a UC-Berkeley tool, the Transportation Injury Mapping System.

  • Urban Institute

    This tool summarizes data related to upward mobility for U.S. counties and larger cities. Indicators include access to preschool, housing affordability, safety from trauma, political participation and other measures that are known to advance – or inhibit – upward mobility.

  • California State Water Boards

    Data about surface water quality in California.

  • Fund for Our Economic Future

    Community-level metrics that can be tied to corporate environmental, social and governance strategies/initiatives. Racial equity, commuter emissions, and access to talent scores are available for metropolitan areas across the US.

  • The California Budget and Policy Center and the Women’s Foundation of California

    A county-by-county breakdown of how women in California are faring. The index includes multiple measures across five categories: health, personal safety, employment & earnings, economic security and political empowerment (data, as well as downloadable fact sheets, also are available for the 30 individual measures that make up the index).