Hillcrest Advisory
Leveraging Data + Stories to Achieve Impact
Transforming overwhelming amounts of data into crisp communication messages can be challenging, especially for organizations working for social change.
Hillcrest Advisory can help your organization transform data into information and then action. We’ll help you create compelling maps and graphs and bolster key findings with poignant stories to help you achieve results – for example, policy change, broader awareness of an issue, and more funding.
Our Services
Data Storytelling Trainings
Nearly every month, we conduct data storytelling trainings to build up capacity to communicate with data.
Direct Technical Assistance
We love the opportunity to work with organizations focused on in-the-trenches, community-level work to leverage data for social change.
Data Story Creation
We work on numerous projects, some over a multi-year period, to help clients leverage vast quantities of data to achieve their outcomes.
Measure Development
Clients frequently turn to us to help find, catalog, and prioritize what measures to use to support their work.
Data Storytelling Resources:
Lessons learned in communicating data for impact. Watch Here
Email newsletter on data storytelling.